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On this page, you can find some frequently asked medical questions. We will try to give a short and as clear as possible answer. If your question isn’t in this list, you can ask us by using the contact-form of this website.

Erectile dysfunction is not a disease or illness. The body just has problems transporting blood to the penis. The prostate gives incentives to the erectile tissue and blood vessels in the penis so they enlarge. This causes the blood to automatically flow to the penis, filling the void. If these incentives are disturbed you have erectile dysfunction.

An erection-pump is the most logical auxiliary for solving erectile dysfunction. The Urecta erection-pump is developed to transport the blood directly to the penis in a natural way without you having to receive an incentive. Because of the clamping-ring, the blood will remain in the penis, solving your erectile dysfunction. The Urecta erection-pump is medically tested and limited with the highest safety norm.

The clamping-ring is a unique and well-thought through product. It makes sure the vacuum in the shaft cannot be broken, guaranteeing your erection. The functionality of the clamping-ring is regulated by a mini-pump which you can operate from the side of your body. You will have a full erection within a minute. You can start and stop when and as much as you wish by using the regulator on the pump. When you are capable of this, even a free ejaculation is possible.

An additional pro of the clamping-ring is that this can be put over the penis fully opened. In this way, you will not have painful experiences applicating or removing the pump. Because of the wider clamping surface, the risk of extravasation is minimalised. You will also have the use of your maximum length because the ring is placed on the beginning of the penis. Your partner will not be bothered by this ring.

The Urecta erection-pump is available for all men who suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotence. The biggest group of users are treated on their prostate, bladder or rectum. After that there is a big group of men who are diabetic or suffer from heart- and coronary diseases. Men who cannot use medication on medical grounds or (because of the negative side-effects) choose not to use medication, are also a very big group. Multiple paraplegics and men with psychological problems (stress, depression, traumatic experiences) have already been helped by the Urecta erection-pump. As a person gets older, the chance of arteriosclerosis increases which can also lead to erectile dysfunction. Smoking, the use of alcohol or drugs can also have a negative influence of an erection.

If you have had an operation on your pelvic floor or if you have had a lengthy period of sexual inactivity you can experience (temporary) erectile dysfunction. In the case of an operation on the pelvic floor it is of great importance to stimulate the return of your own incentives and thus increase the chance of a good result. With the Urecta erection-pump you can bring your penis back into shape. Upon purchase, we advise to create an erection in the shaft 3 times a day for 10 minutes. This will re-activate the arteries and muscles in the penis. By doing these exercises the condition of the penis will significally improve and you can, together with the Urecta erection-pump, be active once again.

Personal advice

Do you have a question about the Urecta erection pump, erectile dysfunction or impotence in general? Contact us immediately!